Segmenting with AP

AnalysisPrograms (AP) software can segment audio files into desired lengths. For full details see the --help documentation.

C:\AP\AnalysisPrograms.exe AudioCutter --help
~/AP/AnalysisPrograms AudioCutter --help


Segmenting a WAVE file into smaller files using AP.exe. In Powershell:

C:\AP\AnalysisPrograms.exe AudioCutter "C:\AP\test\20200216T040000+1000.wav" "C:\AP\test_output"



Segmenting a FLAC file into smaller files using AP.exe. In Powershell:

C:\AP\AnalysisPrograms.exe AudioCutter "C:\AP\test\20200216T040000+1000.flac" "C:\AP\test_output"


Note #

If you only wish to calculate acoustic indices, AP can handle segmentation of your audio files automatically. This saves storage space, as the one minute segment files do not need to be kept alongside your original recording.