Sound Basics #

Dr Michael Towsey

deployed sensor


Five Key Concepts #

  1. Decibels
  2. Clipping & gain
  3. ADC: Sample rate & bit depth
  4. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
  5. Spectrograms: time/frequency trade-off

1: Decibels #

Sound pressure level (spl) (Pascals)


Signed 16 bit integer
(-32768 to +32767)


Real value
(-1.00 to +1.00)


$ dB(spl) = 30 dB$

$ db(V) = 35 dB$

$ db = -70dB $

Decibels #

Decibels are always the log of a ratio

$$ 10 \log_{10}{\left( \frac{\text{Power}}{\text{Reference Power}} \right)} $$

$$ 20 \log_{10}{\left( \frac{\text{Amplitude}}{\text{Reference Amplitude}} \right)} $$

dB(spl) dB
reference = 0.00002 Pa = 0 dB reference = 1.00 = 0 dB
quiet room = 30 dB bird call ≈ -50 dB
conversation = 60 dB cold morning ≈ -80 dB
long-term damage = 85 dB least sound = 1/32767 = -90 dB

2: Clipping and Gain #

  • Rule 1: Do not increase gain if it clips sounds of interest!
  • Rule 2: Use the factory settings!!

3: Analogue to digital conversion #

3: Analogue to digital conversion #

diagram of sampling and quantization

4: Fourier transform #

  • An FFT converts a waveform into a spectrogram
  • A sound wave can be represented as the sum of a series of sine waves
  • We can convert from time domain to frequency domain

fourier transform

4: Fourier transform #

maximum frequency in spectrograms

Maximum frequency in spectrograms = sample rate / 2 = Nyquist

4: Fourier transform #

Function FFT($array){
    $Len = $array.Count
    If($Len -le 1){Return $array} 
    $Len_Over_2 = [Math]::Floor(($Len/2))
    $Output = New-Object Complex[] $Len

    $EvenArray = @()
    $OddArray  = @()

    For($i = 0; $i -lt $Len; $i++){
        If($i % 2){ $OddArray  += $array[$i] }
        Else      { $EvenArray += $array[$i] }

    $Even = FFT($EvenArray)
    $Odd  = FFT($OddArray)

    For($i = 0; $i -lt $Len_Over_2; $i++){
        $Twiddle = [Complex]::Exp(
        ) * $Odd[$i]
        $Output[$i]             = $Even[$i] + $Twiddle
        $Output[$i+$Len_Over_2] = $Even[$i] - $Twiddle

    Return $Output
  • 20 lines of code that changed human civilization
  • Thanks to Cooley and Tukey in 1965 (or Gauss 1805)

5: Spectrograms: time/frequency trade-off #






audacity settings

5: Spectrograms: time/frequency trade-off #

Finished. Next up: recording and labelling.